The BIG Picture: The Unique Contribution of Thermography

Thermography is a non-contact, non-invasive procedure which captures and records temperature variations on the skin. The skin is the body’s most intelligent organ and is “wired” with a communication network connecting all other organs and physiological processes in the body. The skin responds to physiological...

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

The gut is often referred to as the second brain. You have probably used phrases similar to the following to describe your feelings in certain situations: “Going with my gut”; “I have butterflies in my stomach”; “That was a gut-wrenching experience”. We use these expressions...

Visualizing the Cause of Arthritis

Thermography is useful for identifying inflammatory changes that may be related to arthritis. Thermography is also useful for monitoring whether a treatment protocol is working.   But even better is the role that thermography plays in helping to identify the cause of the inflammation. Wouldn’t...

How Healthy is Your Heart?

Do you ever wish you could see, and I mean really “see” and visualize, what is going on with your health? Do you wish that you could see changes that are occurring before a problem develops? February is heart month and, unfortunately, too many people...

Is Your Liver Emotional?

Happy New Year! With January upon us and February “just around the corner, “I thought I should write something about the liver. So, what does January and February have to do with it you ask? February is considered the beginning of spring and the liver...