In keeping with the spirit of breast health awareness month I thought I should write something on the topic. However, I don’t think this is going to be the typical breast health article that most would expect. Here’s a quote that I have used from time to time that I like the concept of. “Health is a state of complete…
Inflammation… has become, shall we say, a buzz word. We hear this word so often in discussions of nearly every type of health issue. But what is it really? What does it mean? How does it start? How do we stop it? The biggest and most important question of all is… How does inflammation affect a person’s health? Think of…
Concerned about your heart? Well, you should be. The heart according to Chinese medicine is the King of all organs. The heart is a pump, which moves the blood throughout the body. The arteries and veins are the pipes through which the blood flows. Simple concept. After all, once our heart stops beating we stop living. End of story. I…
The roots of Thermography, or heat differentiation, are ancient, dating back to the time of the pyramids. A papyrus from 1700 BC documents the association of temperature with disease. By 400 BC, physicians commonly employed a primitive form of Thermography: they applied a thin coat of mud to a patient’s body, observed the patterns made by the different rates of…
Your lymphatic system is essentially your body’s “sewage processing plant”, which is responsible for removing waste, toxins, and other unwanted material out of your cells and tissues so they can be flushed out of your body. When your lymph stops flowing freely, it’s like having your garbage company go on strike. The garbage in your home begins to pile up—and…
You may be 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer if you have poor oral health or gum disease. The Journal of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment conducted a survey of 3,273 people and found that individuals with chronic periodontal disease (gum disease) had a higher occurrence of breast cancer. Another study was reported by the World Health…